girltalk conference
June 8, 2024
Magazine & Schedule

Women on the Wall
Our Mission
Women On The Wall Ministry is called to equip, empower and elevate women to enter into their purpose and destiny. We believe that women were design to procreate, establish and excel in every facet of life. We promote unity, authenticity, love and respect among women. We acknowledge that we are the children of God, therefore carry, live lifestyles and conduct ourselves as the daughters of Zion with prestige. We are here to motivate and stimulate through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the gifts and wisdom entrusted in us by God.
Women On The Wall Ministry Founder and COO Pastor Frances L. Banks, Is a true women of God. She is a Minister of the Gospel and a Published Author. She has a heart for people and a extra soft spot for the women in the kingdom.
Women On The Wall Ministry is a vehicle to push the people of God to their next level. There is purpose and destiny inside each and everyone of us and, we must seek God to tap into it.