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Updated: Feb 13, 2024

Posted on 9 May, 2016 at 0:40

Frances L. Banks (Founder, CEO) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 5/5/2016

Women On TheWall


LifeChanging and Transformative Workshops to be Held at Special Girl Talk Summit

Women on the Wall to hold special summit renew mind and soul.

Bronx, NY: Life throws many women curveballs. The stress of it all leaves somany feeling like they

have nowhere to turn. Feeling overwhelmed will make a person doubt themselves (even lose themselves),

leaving them to ask questions like: When is mister right coming? How can I raise these children all by

myself? I gave all of me away to my husband and children, how do I get me back? The love of my life is

gone what do I do now? AmI worth loving?

These are profound questions, questions every woman regardless of age will ask themselves at different

times in their lives. This June, Women On TheWall Ministries will attempt to help those who are

struggling with these questions (and many more) with a workshop and a panel at a special event known as

the Girl Talk Summit.

The panelists of these workshops truly believe that for every issue there is an answer, it just has to be

worked through. The panelists will discuss many of the issues women deal with, and key steps to take to

overcome them.Whether single, married or widowed there will be a panelist someone can relate to.

The workshop starts at 11:00 AMand is entitled "How to be Authentically and Unapologetically You". It

will help participants get unstuck in life and achieve their next level with the assistance of techniques and

keys provided by Life and Spiritual coach Frances L. Banks. Through this workshop participants will be

able to tap into their true selves, and find their purpose and calling with confidence.

The panel begins at 12:00 PM, and this is where those hard, life altering questions will be tackled.

The Girl Talk Summit 2016 will begin June 4, at the Residence Inn 1776 Eastchester Road, Bronx, New

York. Advanced registration is $30 and tickets can be purchased at

About Frances L. BanksWomen On The WallMinistry Founder and COO Evangelist Frances L. Banks,

Is a true Women Of God. She is a Minister of the Gospel and a Published Author. She has a heart for the

people of God and an extra soft spot for the Women in the kingdom.

Frances L. Banks (Founder, CEO) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 5/5/2016

Women On TheWall


About Women On TheWall Women On TheWall Ministry equips, empowers and elevates women to

enter into their purpose and destiny. They believe that women were designed to procreate, establish and

excel in every facet of life.

As a ministry they promote unity, authenticity, love and respect among women while acknowledging that

all people are the children of God.Women On The Wall encourages women to live lifestyles and conduct

themselves as the daughters of Zion; with prestige. As an organization they strive to motivate and

stimulate through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the gifts and wisdom entrusted in all people by God.

Women On TheWall Ministry is a vehicle to push the people of God to their next level. There is purpose

and destiny inside each and every one of person and they must seek God to tap into it.

For more information about Women On TheWall:

Phone: 646-405-5046

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