Posted on 10 April, 2016 at 22:50

Have you ever been called to do something that you just thought was way out of your league?When it was revealed to you, you said not me I can't do that, I don't have the experience nor the knowledge. Yet, that same thing kept presenting it self to you over and over again. Have you ever found yourself doing something on a regular basis and not realizing it, until someone pointed it out? For example, I didn't really pay attention to the fact that on a daily basis I would talk to people and give them advice. I would encourage them to move into the things that came naturally to them, in their professional, personal or spiritual life. I would walk them through what they believed their next step would be, tweak what needed to be tweaked and wait for the report of the outcome.
People in my life when they would over hear me having these conversations, would say you should be a counselor. My response would always be "no that's not for, I have enough problems on my own to deal with." Then the person would always say, "Well you're doing it already whether you know or not". I would just laugh it off and say, "No I'm just having a conversation and giving friendly advice." Yet, I continued to encourage and help people realize their inner desire and help them with steps to achieve them.

Well one day someone over heard me talking to someone, and she asked me a question that changed my life. This woman asked me "Are you a life coach because you sure were coaching that person." Until that time I have never heard anyone say life coach to describe what I was doing. For some reason that term resonated with me more than counselor. My response to her was "No I'm not a life coach, and I'm not sure what that is." She responded that "A life coach is a person who coaches people on personal or career challenges, and that's exactly what I heard you just do." She started telling about people she knew whom are life coaches, and that I should look up information about it and look into it.
My interest was sparked so I began looking up information about life coaches. I came across one definition that said, a life coach is a person who counsels (immediately a red flag went up) and encourage clients on matters having to do with careers or personal challenges. I realized that whenever I thought of the word counselor, I immediately thought about dealing with people with psychosis, and thinking nope that's not my calling. However I didn't just shy away from it as usual, I continued to gather information (because something inside of me would not let it go) to better understand. I read one article that explained that a life coach is a professional who helps you reach a goal or make a change in your life. They help you get out of your way. The more I researched, the more I became to realize that this was in fact me.

When I came across the Hiscoach Training Academy it was confirmation that this is something I was called to do. HIScoach is comprised of Spirit led coaches, who allow the Spirit of God to take part of the clients journey to change their life. It made so much sense to me, I guess because I was already a minister and understood that we do in fact need God to direct our path. I finally had revelations of what people have been saying to me for years. The Bible says wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding (Proverbs 4:7)
Listen, sometimes we don't walk in our callings because we don't understand what exactly it is. However when something continues to tug at us, we need to use wisdom, and do our due diligence and get an understanding of what that calling is. Sometimes it could be the way it is presented to us that seems off, (like in my case) that's why we're unclear. However, when God have something for you to do, He will show you different signs and send different messengers so that you can get it! When you understand what the assignment is, then go forth and do what you’re called to do. I signed up with the Hiscoach Training Academy and as of January of this year I am a certified Hiscoach! That's another thing, I want to stress to you, invest in yourself. We give to so much to our families, children and all kinds of charities, however when it comes to investing in our selves some people have a problem with that. I can attest to that, because I was one who would give and do for everybody else, but when it came to me I would hold back (Thank God for deliverance!).

People of God listen, don't let anything stop you from walking into your calling. We were all sent here on assignment and are accountable to complete them during our stay here on earth. Don't leave this earth with your work undone, and have to give an answer to God why your work is unfinished (could you imagine that). Listen don't let fear or the nay sayers stop you! We usually fear things we don't understand, therefore, once you have knowledge of a thing it is easy to conquer it. I promise you that the monster that you fear is in the closet, if you open the door you'll realize it's just an old coat! Today I admonish you not to just walk in your calling but overtake it and excel in it!
I Love You With The Love Of The lord
Evangelist Frances L. Banks