Posted on 3 January, 2016 at 19:50
Well it's a new year, thank God we made it over! I pray that the favor of God is manifested in your life in 2016. I believe that God is going to be revealing many things to the people of God this year. I also believe that there are some things that we must let go of in this new year, because it doesn't fit into God’s plan for our lives. I know people are not going to like this because when you've been holding on to something it's so hard to let go. Guess what; once you let go you will understand more clearly what it feels like to be free indeed.
Let me show you what it looks like when God gives you a no, and you still waiting on a yes! The Bible tells a story about a man named Jonah, this story should be very familiar. I have heard this story preached many times with the subjects; the God of a second chance, God will deliver you out of all your trouble and many more. However, God showed me something I have not heard anyone preached. The story goes as followed: God says judgment has come to Nineveh and sends Jonah to prophesy to the people. Jonah tries to run from God and his assignment, however he runs into a storm and gets swallowed by a big fish. Jonah repents for his disobedience and God gives the big fish orders to spit Jonah out on dry land. Jonah proceeded to Nineveh and prophesy to the people that in forty days the city will be destroyed (stick with me I'm getting to it!). Well the story goes that all the people of Nineveh including the King and the animals repented, fast and prayed and ask God to change his mind; and God did changed
When you look at Jonah chapter 4, around the 5th verse you see that Jonah went and sat on the east side of the city to see what would happen to it. (Don't miss it!) God already made the decision not to destroy Nineveh (watch this) and told Jonah His decision, so why is Jonah waiting to see what's going to happen? I asked God what are you trying to tell me, and this is what God shared with me. He said people seek me for council for their life, however they don't always accept my answers. When my final judgment is no they sit around waiting for a never coming yes, (wow I just said something let me say it again). God has already said no to your request but your sitting around waiting for " a never coming yes". He went on to say "that people become frustrated and aggravated because they are waiting for answers I already gave them". He said "always remember that I am a merciful God and no matter how people perceive it, my decisions are always merciful" (for that Lord I thank you!)
Listen when God answer is no, we need to accept it and move on, because if we don't we find ourselves in a uncomfortable place. The Bible says that the place where Jonah sat became so hot that he fainted from the heat! Is that your current condition? Have you not let go of something or someone that God has said no about, and it's literally killing you trying to hold on! Are you praying pleading to God for something that you know in your heart, in your spirit and the very fiber of your being that He already said no?
I believe this is our year to pack up our heart & mind and move from the east side of that city, and move on!. When we understand that our Heavenly Father loves us we can accept His final answer, because we know He is doing it for our good. We must realize that everything that looks good to us or feels good to us, is not always good for us. The Bible says the blessing of the Lord make rich and adds no sorrow, (Proverbs 10:22). That means that if it's going to bring you sorrow, he’s not going to release it to you. Why you ask? Because God is clear on his definition of his blessing and if your request doesn't have all the requirements it doesn’t qualify!
People of God listen I want us to be free indeed in 2016!. Let’s reevaluate our lives and if we find anything that we're waiting on that God has already said no to, let's pack up and move on. We must understand that our God is a good God and He's not saying no because he wants us to be bitter; He's saying no because what He has for us is better! When we release the no things we have room to receive the yes things! I believe that God has great things in stored for us, let's make room to start receiving them!
I Love You With The Love Of The Lord
Evangelist Banks