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His Grace Is Sufficient!

Posted on 5 July, 2015 at 23:30

Have you ever been so tired that it was overwhelming just for you to think? I am talking about so tired that blinking is an obstacle, even though it's a natural action for your body to do it. I mean when you're so tired that it affects your very being, I'm talking about mentally, physically and spiritually. When you're mentally tired you don't want to deal with everyday issues and absolutely no heavy issues. When you're mentally tired the last thing you want to deal with is someone else's issue. When you’re physically tired you don't want to move not even an inch. Have you ever been so tired that you’re laying in a position that is no longer comfortable but you're too tired to shift into another position? You're so fatigue that you don't want get out your bed non the less go running to some bodies else's rescue. When you are spiritually tired, even though you have an arsenal of scripture store inside that you can use to pull you out, but because you're drained, you struggle to recall that get me over scripture. You feel like you need a word for yourself so you can't fathom giving one to someone else. The crazy thing about it is, it seems like when you have nothing else to give that's when it seems like people need you the most.

The Bible says “ My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” ( 2 Corinthians 12:9). That means as long as you have God as your center and your core that’s when you get tired or weak He will make you strong. Yep that's it, His grace will pull you through it and help you endure while you're going through. We often times believe that we must get strong first then carry on with our assignment, but that is so far from the truth. Paul asked God to remove the thorn in his flesh three times to no avail. However Paul continued on in his assignment as he sought God for relief. The answer from God was keep working my grace is sufficient, for my power is made perfect in weakness. I often wondered why when I am completely drained it seems like that's when people need me the most! I truly sat down one day and thought about it and God said to me how would you know that my grace is sufficient if you never had to depend on it. He said I had to let you pour out all of you and know that you had nothing less. So that when you're able to help someone in your weakness you will understand that it's my power working in you. All I could say in the moment was Lord I thank for your goodness and your mercy.


Listen when you fully give yourself over to God there will be times that you are completely tired, drained and worn out. However that doesn't release you from your assignment and the work you must do. The Bible says And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. That means this fatigue my last for a season and you will have to continue working in this season. However you're not going to operate on your strength but His grace will be sufficient! You must tap into that power source that is more potent than anything else you can access. The power of God is better than any 5 hour energy drink, 3 weeks vacation or any sleeping pill. Jesus said come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.


People of God listen, when you are tired and feel like you can't go no further, don't quit and throw in the towel. We have a high priest that can give us rest so we can complete our assignment. I know you're wondering can I keep giving when I don't even have enough for myself? God says His grace is sufficient for His power is made perfect in your weakness. God understands we get tired, the Bible says that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. However God made provision for us in our weakness and that provision is sufficient for you to complete your assignment!


I Love You With Love Of The Lord!

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