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Posted on 22 November, 2015 at 23:50

What is process? Process by definition is a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. Another definition , a series of actions that produce something or that lead to a particular result. I like this definition a natural phenomenon mark by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result My God I need a praise break off of that one right there! (But let me hold my mule) Listen there has to be some natural phenomenon mark by gradual changes in your life. (I like that right there!) let me say it plainly you have to go through some stuff to get where you want to go.


The road to success is not an easy road it's a long and bumpy road. If you want to be successful in anything in life there must be preparation for it! Yes the “ P ” word people don't like the “ P ” word it's like a curse word! However it's the truth anyhow, you must prepare for your future and therefore go through the process. If you want to be a lawyer don't you first have to go to law school and then pass the bar exam. Process is the necessary steps you must go through, when you’re buying a house, filing your taxes, even applying for W.I.C. ( I don't want to leave anyone out) your paper work has to be processed. Come on people of God you got to get this so that the enemy can't get you down! You know he be talking to you saying " I though t your God was going to do it for you, I though t you could do all things through Christ, I thought that you were fearfully and wonderfully made" You got to be able to stand up and tell the Devil that's right all those things are true, I'm Just Going Through The Process!! When you understand that there are something's that you have to go through, that life is not a microwave and there is no instant success button. You can go through your process with ease and, without frustration, aggravation, or the feeling of stagnation ( I just went Jesse Jackson on ya'll) The Bible says in Philippians 4:6 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God”. We will get into prayer and supplication later on.


I wanna focus on that portion of the scripture that says be anxious for nothing. Listen don't be anxious about reaching success it will come at its appointed time. I know that you want to see your dreams come true as soon as possible. Your waiting on that perfect career, your own business, finishing college, purchasing a house, getting married, having children whatever it is that your waiting on. Nothing will happen until there is a natural phenomenon marked by gradual change. Go through your process it's worth it when you get to the place that you are destined to be.


Listen we must walk through this life with the mindset of a farmer. The farmer preps his fields so that he can sow his seeds. After he sow his seeds he knows that he cannot stop there he has to work and water the fields. Although he is looking for a great harvest to come he understands that it will not come until it is the right season. However he continues to work and water the fields. He is dedicated even though all he sees is the soil covering his seeds. Wow that just hit me no matter how dirty, damp or dark your life my look right now There Is Seed Under There! Listen the seed brings forth newness and fruitful life!


Jesus said”Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit”. (John 12:24). My God did you catch that?; that before there can be much fruit something has to die. Listen , your hard work that you sowed at first will look like a dead thing. However you are on the brink of a great harvest. If you don't put in the work and just hold on to your little grain, you will only have the one grain alone. That means you will never complete your purpose and never reach your destiny if you sit back and do nothing.


When the harvest comes in! My God it's times for rejoicing! Listen the harvest is coming at the appointed time. But you must go through the process there will be glory after the work. The longer you take to sow your seeds, work and water the fields, the longer it will take to reach your destiny. I don't know about you but I wanna put in the work to see what the end is going to be. I know it seems like you've been going and going, I know it feels like everything you try to do falls apart. I get that you're frustrated and feel like given up and throwing in the towel. The Bible says in Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not”. Listen people of God I pray that you get that deep down in your spirit! Don't get weary, tired, stressed but most of all Don't Give Up! If you faint not , in due season, In the appointed time, in your harvest season You Shall Reap! My God that means everything that you worked so hard for is going to be yours! Don't give up people of God! Don't walk away from your field before your season of harvest

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