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Updated: Feb 13, 2024

Posted on 31 January, 2016 at 23:30

There are many people who have not come to the realization of what they have been created for.

Every single one of us has a God given purpose and destiny, we just need to tap into it. When we understand that God is the creator of life and that He knew us before he formed us in our mother’s womb, it should be clear where we need to go to seek out our purpose and destiny. Knowing that our creator has all the answers, we don't have to wonder, we just need to go to the source.


God is always speaking to us through His Holy Spirit, in hopes of downloading his plans for our lives. The Holy Spirit communicates with us in different ways, for example in dreams and visions, audible sounds and through the word of God, the Bible. We must position our hearts, minds and ears to hear what the spirit is saying to us. The answers we are looking for are usually right in front of our faces, and we are continuously stepping over it.

I remember struggling with my calling to ministry, I just wasn't sure that was what God was calling me to do. (let me just be honest) I had no desire to be involved with ministry on that level. Everywhere I went I would get called out by Prophets and Pastors, saying God has a call on your life for ministry. I didn't mind being called to ministry as long as it was the behind the scenes ministry, like cooking or organizing events (which I have done and enjoyed). However, God had different plans for my life, because the word I kept receiving was that my assignment was to preach and teach the gospel. I didn't want to believe it because I am on the shy side and I didn't want to get up in front of people (especially strangers) and speak to them. I thought to myself what if I say something wrong or what if people don't receive what I have to say? However, I loved God and wanted to be obedient to him, but at this point I had not heard this assignment directly from God I told myself this to give me an out, isn't it crazy how we convince ourselves that we can actually get over on an all knowing and all seeing God)


The day God pulled my vile of deception from over my eyes I will never forget. We were in service and a guest speaker said everyone who is a minister or called to be a minister please stand. That very moment the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said "stand up". I said no (yep you heard right!) because the Pastor where I was attending church at that time did not acknowledge my calling yet, and neither did I. The Holy Spirit spoke to me again and said "stand up"; at that very moment I looked up and a prophet that had told me that God called me to ministry, eyes met with mine. The look this prophet gave me literally pierced through my soul, and a heavy conviction fell on me like never before; and all I could do was weep. I weptlike I lost everything that I loved in life (no seriously, I'm talking snot cried)! Imagine how you felt when you had disappointed your parents and they say to you "I thought I raised you better than that (that would always get me)! Now imagine that feeling a hundred times worst. I remember The Spirit of God saying to me "Frances L. Banks I called you!" (yep he called me by my full name, I knew He meant business)!

Listen I finally accepted my calling, and realize that I didn't have to worry about what to say; because when I opened my mouth the Holy Spirit spoke! I just needed to study to show myself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). God was trying to reveal to me my purpose and destiny, I was just jumping over it and running (I can laugh at myself now)! The answer was right in front of me the whole time, I just needed to accept what I was seeing!


People of God listen, we all have an assignment in this life, and here is a sign that lets you know you're on the right track; God gets the glory out of it. The Bible says so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). That means whatever your assignment/ purpose and destiny is, it must be to the glory of God. That's how we can test if we are on the right track. So ask yourself today, am I walking in my purpose and destiny, is God being glorified!?


Evangelist Banks

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