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What Do You Do When God Speaks A Word To YOU? Keep Speaking It Until You See It!

Updated: Feb 13, 2024

Posted on 29 February, 2016 at 6:15

There are many of us that have dreams and aspirations that we want to achieve before leaving this earth. We go to school to get training or take up a trade that will help us to achieve our goals. Many of us spend thousands of dollars paying for university to get degrees in our desired fields. Why do we do it? Because there's something inside of us that is driving us to succeed.

 When we receive a word from God we should have that same resilience and drive, knowing that after a little while it shall come to path. To many of us receive a word from God and if it doesn't happen right away, we loose hope and start questioning if God has truly said it. Unfortunately for the prophets if they speak a word from God and it doesn't come to pass right away, they then become lying prophets. That's why you have so many of those Jonah prophets trying to run to Tarshish and staying clear of Nineveh ( just a little joke for y'all that read you're bibles). Even in the old days if the prophet gave a word and it didn't come to pass, people would turn on them. They had scripture to confirm their action, the bible says when a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously, you shall not be afraid of him (deu. 18:22) However so many of us discredit the word because it didn't happen in our time frame. We must always remember God is not on our schedule and doesn't work by our rules.

The bible says Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. (Hebrews 10:38). That means ,that if you are the just and you receive a word and accept it by faith, even though the word tarry you should wait for it. Because if you don't (Ya'll better catch this) and draw back that means stop believing or give up hope, God will have no pleasure in you. Why? Because without faith it's impossible to please God! ( Hebrews 11:6)

 When you give up on what God has spoken over your life, you give up on God. The bible says in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God ( John 1:1). God is his word and when you reject his word you reject him.

 What do you do when you don't see what God spoke over your life? Keep saying what he said until you see it! I know some would say it's a cliche, however if you try it you'll know that it's an accurate statement. Let me give my testimony, I was showing symptoms of having the flu. However I refused to be sick and the word of God told me by His stripes I was healed , and that Christ bore all my sickness on the tree. That's why I always refuse sickness because my savior took care of all of that ( I'm one of those relentless faith kingdom citizens). Everybody that I spoke to kept asking me are you sick? My answer would be no, their response would be well you sound sick. That went on for a couple of days I kept saying to myself and to everyone that I am not sick. Before I knew it I looked around and I didn't have any symptoms anymore, and people stop asking me if I was sick. I never took any medicine and I never changed my daily bus routine. I just kept saying I wasn't sick until the manifestation of what I was saying caught up to what I was seeing and feeling.

Listen whatever God promised you keep saying it until you see it. That's why the Bible says let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich (Joel 3:10). When you don't feel strong say it anyway, until your spirit catches hold to it! If God said you're going be a millionaire keep saying I am a millionaire until your bank account catches up to what God has spoken. You need to continue to hear what God has said to you. Why? Because the Bible says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God( Romans 10:17). That means in order to build your faith you must hear the word God spoke to you. The more you hear it the more your faith come! Don't get made at the prophets because the word they gave you didn't come to pass, when you expected it too. The prophet did their job and told you what thus sayest the Lord, now it's time for you to do your part keep saying it until you see it!


People of God listen don't get weary in well doing, because if you faint not you shall reap. I know you've been waiting for what feels like a long time, but keep tarring! Keep speaking what God said about you daily over your life. Because in due time if you faint not, you're going to see the manifestation of what you have been speaking. Don't stop saying what God said until you see it!

I Love You With The Love Of The Lord

Evabgelist Banks

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